Zuleika Gold Digger
Sire: Sup Ch Armahani Heliodorr Hulivili (AI) ET
Dam: Ch Armahani Iolite Ilo (AI) HT
Co-owners: Stephanie Ives (Vic) & Rachael Holloway (Tas)
D.O.B: 8th May 2018
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration: 7100041014
Hips: 6/3
Elbows: 0/0
Eyes: Clear January 2020
Cardio: Clear July 2018
prcd-PRA: Clear/Normal
GSD-II: Clear
DM: Carrier
CMR3: Clear
Jäger is loved by Stephanie Ives and Lucas Goddard, in Melbourne.
I never had any intention of keeping a puppy from this litter. Then Jäger happened. As he grew it became obvious there was something special about this puppy, so I was thrilled when Stephanie & Lucas agreed to let me steal him back from time to time for show holidays. From very limited showing, he has achieved a lot.
FLCV Championship Show Australian Bred in Show winner - 2023 (Judge: Toni Jackson (Elbreth - UK))
Hobart Royal Runner-up Best in Group (BIG2) winner - 2021
Sydney Royal Puppy in Group Final 4 - 2019
2 x Runner-up Best in Specialty Open Show (BISS2) winner - 2021 & 2019 - FLCV
2nd Open Dog Class SFLS (UK) Virtual Show (class entry of over 30 Finnish Lapphunds from around the world)
FLCV Championship Show Junior in Show winner - 2019 (Judge: Elaine Short (Glenchess - UK))
CACIB winner
Multiple Best in Group (BIG1) and Runner-up Best in Group (BIG2) winner
Multiple class in show winner